Jasmin Büchner appointed new Chief People Officer of BNP Paribas Germany & Austria

May 28, 2024

Jasmin Büchner will take over the role of Chief People Officer Germany & Austria at BNP Paribas on 1 June 2024. As Deputy Chief People Officer and Head of Human Resources for the Corporate & Institutional Banking, Asset Management and Wealth Management divisions for Germany and Austria, she is already closely familiar with the tasks. In her new position, Büchner will also become a member of the BNP Paribas Executive Committee Germany and the Group Management Board of BNP Paribas in Germany.

The previous Chief People Officer, Tino Benker-Schwuchow, will become Chief Commercial Officer at BNP Paribas Personal Investors Germany on 1 June 2024, where he will be responsible for market activities. The BNP Paribas Personal Investors Germany division comprises the brands Consorsbank, DAB BNP Paribas and BNP Paribas Wealth Management Private Banking.

“On behalf of the Group Management Board, I would like to thank Tino Benker-Schwuchow very much. In recent years, he has played a key role in driving the development of a future-oriented HR strategy for BNP Paribas Germany. With Jasmin Büchner, we have a convincing successor who can seamlessly build on this. We are looking forward to working together.”

Lutz Diederichs, CEO BNP Paribas Germany


Sabine Arnold

BNP Paribas Germany
Senckenberganlage 19
60325 Frankfurt am Main

+49 (0) 69 7193 1204

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